Semester at Sea

  • Semester at Sea

    Semester at Sea FAQ Part 3

    Semester at Sea FAQ Part 3… Since I am always getting so many questions about Semester at Sea, a couple months ago, I decided to create a series of SAS related questions and answers. If you haven’t already check out…

  • Semester at Sea

    Semester at Sea FAQ Part 2

    Semester at Sea FAQ Part 2… Here is part 2 of my Semester at Sea FAQ! Don’t forget to check out part one here, and if you have any additional questions please ask! Q: Is SAS Worth the Money? A:…

  • Semester at Sea

    Sea Olympics

    Sea Olympics is probably one of the most anticipated days of the entire voyage. Over the course of one day, students, faculty, staff, life long learners, and ship kids, compete in a series of mini events hoping to walk away…

  • Semester at Sea

    Popular Study Abroad Scholarships

    Participating in a study abroad program can be expensive, especially if your home university scholarships aren't able to be used. To help with the expenses of both the program and travel, I have put together this list of some of…

  • Semester at Sea

    Semester at Sea FAQ

    Semester at Sea FAQ… When talking about SAS, people always have so many questions about this amazing program. I did my best to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, so I hope this helps a little!! What is…

  • Semester at Sea

    My SAS Experience – Spring 2020

    My SAS Experience – Spring 2020 128th Voyage expectation: 106 days, 11 countries, 13 cities, and 4 continents 128th Voyage reality: 81 days, 5 countries, 5 cities, 3 continents, and 8 itinerary changes When people ask about my semester abroad,…

  • Semester at Sea

    What Does Semester at Sea Really cost?

    What Does Semester at Sea Really Costs? This is probably one of the most asked questions that every future voyager has, I know it was mine! Before I left for the Spring 2020 Voyage, I spent countless hours researching, just…

  • Semester at Sea

    Semester at Sea Packing Guide

    Packing everything you could possibly need for a three-week trip can be challenging enough. Now try packing everything you could possibly need for a four-month trip around the world, on a ship, with limited recourses.